O outro lado da ilha...
Lampedusa day by day - Promo 2011 - YouTube
terça-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2012
segunda-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2012
Notícia: (em português) Naufrágio de barco de imigrantes na Líbia tem 15 mortos e 40 desaparecidos
TRÍPOLI — Quinze imigrantes somalis morreram e outros 40 passageiros estão desaparecidos após o naufrágio nesta semana de um navio perto da cidade líbia de Misrata (oeste), anunciou neste sábado o embaixador da Somália em Trípoli, Abdelghami Wais.
"Quinze corpos foram encontrados na costa de Misrata, entre os quais o de uma criança e os de doze mulheres. Os outros foram considerados desaparecidos", declarou Wais em sua volta de Misrata, onde as vítimas, encontradas na quarta, foram enterradas.
Segundo o embaixador, o navio transportava 55 pessoas, todas elas imigrantes clandestinos que tentavam chegar à Europa.
Na terça-feira, o ministro líbio do Interior, Fawzi Abdelali, indicou que seu país enfrenta "enormes problemas" devido à afluência de milhares de imigrantes clandestinos.
"A Líbia precisa de muitos recursos para controlar (a imigração). A Líbia não será a guarda fronteiriça da Europa. Mesmo que ela quisesse, não poderia", havia dito o ministro.
No início de dezembro, as autoridades líbias anunciaram a interceptação de um barco transportando mais de 400 imigrantes africanos que iam para a Itália.
Muitos africanos se arriscam em embarcações precárias para tentar a perigosa travessia a partir da costa líbia por Malta ou pela ilha italiana de Lampedusa, ao longo da Sicília. Centenas morrem todos os anos.
Fonte:Google Notícias: AFP
Notícia: Boat capsizes off Libya coast: 15 dead | News24
Boat capsizes off Libya coast: 15 dead | News24
as travessias continuam...
«Tripoli - At least 15 Somali migrants were killed and 40 left missing after their boat capsized off the coast of Libya this week, the Somali ambassador to Tripoli said on Saturday.
as travessias continuam...
«Tripoli - At least 15 Somali migrants were killed and 40 left missing after their boat capsized off the coast of Libya this week, the Somali ambassador to Tripoli said on Saturday.
"Fifteen bodies, including one child and 12 women, were recovered off the coast of Misrata after their boat sank," ambassador Abdelghami Wais told AFP, adding the bodies were found on Wednesday on the shore of the western port city.
The boat had been carrying 55 Somalis, Wais said, and the other passengers were still missing. "I've just returned from Misrata after the burials," the envoy said.»
Ler o resto aqui: http://www.news24.com/Africa/News/Boat-capsizes-off-Libya-coast-15-dead-20120128
sexta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2012
Novas datas do espectáculo "Lampedusa"
Na Casa de Teatro de Sintra:
17 a 26 de Fevereiro de 2012
Sextas, Sábados e Domingos, às 21h30
Notícia: (EN) Centenas de Tunisinos que rumaram a Lampedusa em 2011 continuam desaparecidos | Migrants at Sea
Hundreds of Tunisians Who Sailed to Lampedusa in 2011 Remain Missing | MIGRANTS AT SEA
Click here (IT), here (IT), here (FR), and here (FR) for articles.
Click here for Facebook Page dedicated to finding missing Tunisians.
Click here for Storie Migranti Petition for missing Tunisian migrants / Appello per i migranti tunisini disperse / نداء من أجل التونسيين المهاجرين المفقودين / Appel pour les migrants tunisiens disparus.
Fonte: Migrants at Sea
Hundreds of Tunisians who departed Tunisia for Lampedusa by sea in early 2011 remain missing. Some of the missing almost certainly died at sea, but family members remain hopeful that others survived the voyage and are now in Italy or elsewhere in Europe. Earlier this week dozens of mothers of the missing demonstrated outside the Tunisian Ministry of Foreign Affairs during a visit by an Italian parliamentary delegation led by Margherita Boniver. The mothers have been holding daily demonstrations calling for assistance from Tunisian and Italian authorities. The two governments have been asked to cross check fingerprint information. Tunisia collects fingerprint information for national identity cards and Italian authorities have collected fingerprint information from arriving migrants. There is speculation that some of the migrants may have used false names upon reaching Italy and as a result are more difficult to locate.
Click here for Facebook Page dedicated to finding missing Tunisians.
Click here for Storie Migranti Petition for missing Tunisian migrants / Appello per i migranti tunisini disperse / نداء من أجل التونسيين المهاجرين المفقودين / Appel pour les migrants tunisiens disparus.
Fonte: Migrants at Sea
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