domingo, 4 de novembro de 2012

Notícia: CNN: Mais um trágico naufrágio

«(CNN) -- At least 10 people drowned in the Mediterranean when a ship sank between Libya and the Italian island of Lampedusa Sunday, according to Italy's official news agency.
Seventy people, including 62 men and eight women, were rescued, ANSA reported. One of the women is pregnant, it said.
The search by Italy's Navy and Coast Guard is underway for any other survivors, but the report did not say how many people were still missing.
The report referred to the ship's passengers as migrants, suggesting they are from North Africa.
A boat carrying about 100 migrants from Tunisia ran into trouble in the same area two months ago, triggering a rescue effort by the Italians and NATO ships.
Lampedusa, the closest Italian island to Africa, has become a destination for tens of thousands of refugees seeking to enter European Union countries.
Boats carrying migrants often are in peril at sea.
Amnesty International reported at least 1,500 deaths last year of people attempting to cross the Mediterranean Sea.»

Outra notícia sobre o mesmo naufrágio: 10 Perish in Mediterranean shipwreck

sábado, 20 de outubro de 2012

Notícia: Jovens Criadores 2012

Susana C. Gaspar é uma das vencedoras do concurso nacional Jovens Criadores 2012, organizado pelo Clube Português de Artes e Ideias, na categoria de teatro, com o espectáculo "Lampedusa". O nosso agradecimento a todos os que apoiaram este projecto e a todas as entidades que nos acolheram
O espectáculo "Lampedusa" foi uma produção do Utopia Teatro, com apoio da Câmara Municipal de Sintra.

Continuem a acompanhar o nosso projecto e as notícias que vamos partilhando, pois este continua a ser, ainda, um tema dos nossos dias.

Ler mais sobre esta notícia: Tudo sobre Sintra | Alagamares

quinta-feira, 11 de outubro de 2012

Vídeo para o espectáculo

Foi precisamente há um ano atrás que os actores Filipe Araújo e Susana C. Gaspar chegaram a Lampedusa para recolher material para o espectáculo. Arrancava então o processo de dramaturgia. Partilhamos hoje o vídeo final que integra o espectáculo, no qual estão presentes muitas das imagens dessa semana na ilha.

Montagem de Susana C. Gaspar Música original de Bruno Béu

terça-feira, 21 de agosto de 2012

Notícia: 400 Migrants Reach Lampedusa Over Past Weekend; Detention Centre Over Capacity;

«Two large migrant boats reached Lampedusa over the past weekend.  One of the boats was carrying about 250 persons, believed to be Sub-Saharan Africans, and is thought to have departed from Libya.  The boat was a 15 meter wooden fishing vessel and appears to be one of the first non-inflatable boats used in many months. A second boat carrying about 125 Tunisians arrived around the same time.  Smaller boats carrying mostly Tunisians have been steadily reaching Lampedusa in recent weeks.  (...) 81 Sub-Saharan migrants on a disabled boat were rescued by Italian authorities on Monday.  The detention centre on Lampedusa is over its 350 person capacity and Italian authorities have begun to transfer migrants to facilities elsewhere.

Click here, here, and here for articles. (IT)»

Fonte: Migrants at Sea

segunda-feira, 20 de agosto de 2012

Notícia: O sonho olímpico de Samia Yusuf Omar morreu a caminho de Itália

«O mundo reparou em Samia Yusuf Omar na manhã de 19 de Agosto de 2008: a jovem somali de 17 anos competia nas eliminatórias dos 200m nos Jogos Olímpicos de Pequim. Foi a mais lenta das 52 atletas em prova, com uma marca de 32,16s.
Os segundos de atenção mediática passaram e Samia regressou à Somália: “Foi uma experiência espectacular. Levei a bandeira da Somália, desfilei com os melhores atletas do mundo”, diria. Quatro anos depois, ninguém deu pela falta de Samia Yusuf Omar em Londres 2012. Agora, chega a notícia de que morreu quando tentava atravessar o Mediterrâneo, de barco, a caminho de Itália.(...)»

quarta-feira, 11 de julho de 2012

Notícia: UNHCR Reports 54 Persons Dead After Migrant Boat Drifts in Mediterranean for 15 Days

«The UNHCR reported yesterday that UNHCR staff interviewed the sole survivor of a migrant boat that departed from Tripoli for Italy in late June with 55 people on board.  The survivor was interviewed in Zarzis, Tunisia. “According to the survivor, there was no water on board and people started to die of dehydration within days. Many drank sea water, including the man who survived. He was rescued [off the coast of Tunisia] floating on the remains of the [inflatable] boat and a jerry can. According to the survivor over half of the deceased were from Eritrea, including three of his relatives.”  According to the UNHCR press statement “[s]o far in 2012, over 1,300 people have arrived by boat from Libya in Italy. A boat, reportedly carrying 50 Eritreans and Somalis, is currently at sea. They refused to be rescued by Maltese military forces [on 9 July].  Over 1,000 people on 14 boats have arrived in Malta from Libya so far this year. Two other boats were intercepted by Maltese authorities, but the majority elected not to be rescued and continued to Italy.  UNHCR Italy estimates that so far this year some 170 people have been declared dead or lost at sea attempting to make the journey from Libya to Europe.”»

terça-feira, 3 de abril de 2012

Notícia: Luto no Mediterrâneo continua

LAMPEDUSA, ITÁLIA (ANSA) - Pelo menos 10 imigrantes, sendo seis somalis e quatro eritreus, morreram em alto mar durante uma travessia entre a Líbia e a costa italiana, informaram outros estrangeiros resgatados ontem em um bote próximo à ilha de Lampedusa, no sul da Itália. (...)
Os imigrantes, todos de países da África, contaram que os seus companheiros de viagem teriam se afogado ao caírem no mar. (...)
"É necessário aumentar o monitoramento no [Mar] Mediterrâneo por parte das autoridades dos países costeiros para evitar que se repitam estas tragédias no mar", disse Laura Boldrini, porta-voz na Itália Alto Comissariado das Nações Unidas para os Refugiados (Acnur).

sábado, 31 de março de 2012

Notícia: Erros em catadupa deixaram dezenas de imigrantes ilegais a morrer no mar

Erros em catadupa deixaram dezenas de imigrantes ilegais a morrer no mar

«Uma série de falhanços cometidos por barcos da NATO, navios comerciais e várias guardas-costeiras europeias conduziram à morte de dezenas de pessoas, deixadas à deriva no mar Mediterrâneo enquanto tentavam imigrar clandestinamente, denuncia um relatório hoje divulgado pelo Conselho da Europa.
O inquérito – que se focou no desastre de um barco oriundo de Trípoli em Março passado, com 72 africanos a bordo – concluiu, ao fim de nove meses de investigações, que vários erros humanos e institucionais se amontoaram, conduzindo a que a embarcação de refugiados, com destino à ilha italiana de Lampedusa, fosse deixada à deriva sem nenhuma resposta dada durante 16 dias aos seus pedidos por ajuda. Apenas nove pessoas sobreviveram.

O autor do documento, o sueco Tineke Strik, descreveu o acidente como “um dia negro para a Europa”, tendo exposto o que definiu como “diferentes padrões no julgamento do valor da vida humana” – reiterando aqui as críticas já antes feitas pelo presidente da assembleia parlamentar do Conselho Europeu (organismo que tutela o Tribunal Europeu dos Direitos Humanos), Mevlüt Çavusoglu, o qual condenou as autoridades transatlânticas por os imigrantes clandestinos terem sido “deixados a morrer”.

“Podemos falar tanto quanto quisermos sobre direitos humanos e a importância de cumprir as obrigações internacionais, mas se ao mesmo tempo deixarmos pessoas a morrer – talvez porque não sabemos quem são ou porque vêm de África – tal revela o quão insignificantes são essas palavras”, criticou aquele responsável do Conselho Europeu, citado pelo diário britânico The Guardian.

Segundo o inquérito foram cometidos erros por barcos militares e comerciais que navegam na área em que se encontrava a embarcação de refugiados. O documento denuncia também falhas por parte das guardas costeiras que receberam os pedidos de ajuda assim como “uma total confusão sobre quais eram as autoridades responsáveis para pôr em execução uma operação de salvamento”.

Tudo isto, é argumentado no relatório, “expõe a falta de planeamento a longo prazo pelas Nações Unidas, pela NATO e países europeus sobre o inevitável aumento de refugiados a abandonarem o Norte de África, durante a intervenção militar internacional na Líbia”, que levou à queda do regime de Muammar Khadafi.»

segunda-feira, 19 de março de 2012

quinta-feira, 15 de março de 2012

AFP: UN refugee agency warns Italy to prepare for boat people

AFP: UN refugee agency warns Italy to prepare for boat people

 «ROME — The UN's refugee agency called on Italy Thursday to speed up preparations on the tiny island of Lampedusa for a possible new wave of refugees fleeing the Horn of Africa and the Middle East.

"With ongoing crisis situations in various regions we know there are vast movements of people across borders," said Laura Boldrini, UNHCR spokeswoman.
Some are heading to countries such as Libya and Tunisia which have served as departure points for boats of refugees headed for Lampedusa in the past.
"Lampedusa port has been declared unsafe and the welcome centre is unusable. The government needs to reactivate the facility and declare the zone safe. We're not currently in a position to respond to an emergency," she said.»

sábado, 18 de fevereiro de 2012

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Lampedusa, de Utopia Teatro

quarta-feira, 1 de fevereiro de 2012

Notícias: UNHCR News Story: More than 1,500 drown or go missing trying to cross the Mediterranean in 2011

More than 1,500 drown or go missing trying to cross the Mediterranean in 2011

«GENEVA, January 31 (UNHCR) – The UN refugee agency on Tuesday released figures showing that more than 1,500 irregular migrants or refugees drowned or went missing last year while attempting crossings of the Mediterranean Sea.

"This makes 2011 the deadliest year for this region since UNHCR started to record these statistics in 2006. The previous high was in 2007 when 630 people were reported dead or missing," Senior Communications Officer Sybella Wilkes told journalists in Geneva, while adding that at least 18 people had drowned this year to date after setting off from Libya for Europe.

"Our teams in Greece, Italy, Libya and Malta, warn that the actual number of deaths at sea may be even higher," Wilkes said. "Our estimates are based on interviews with people who reached Europe on boats, telephone calls and e-mails from relatives, as well as reports from Libya and Tunisia from survivors whose boats either sank or were in distress in the early stages of the journey," she explained.

Wilkes also revealed that a record 58,000 irregular migrants, asylum-seekers and refugees managed to make it to European shores last year after setting off in boats from Asia or North Africa. The previous high was in 2008, when 54,000 people reached Greece, Italy and Malta.

During 2009 and 2010, border control measures sharply reduced the number of arrivals in Europe. The frequency of boat arrivals increased in early 2011 as the governments in Tunisia and Libya collapsed.

The majority of last year's arrivals by sea landed in Italy (56,000, of whom 28,000 were Tunisian) while Malta and Greece received 1,574 and 1,030 respectively. The majority arrived in the first half of the year and most were migrants, not asylum-seekers or refugees. Only three smuggler's boats arrived after mid-August.

UNHCR's Wilkes said that so far this year, "despite high seas and poor weather conditions," three boats had attempted the perilous journey from Libya and one of them – carrying 55 people – had gone missing.

"Libyan coastguards informed UNHCR that 15 dead bodies, all identified as Somali, were found washed up on the beaches [of Libya] last week, including 12 women, two men and a baby girl. On Sunday, three more bodies were recovered," Wilkes said. It was later confirmed that all those who drowned were Somali residents of the makeshift site in Tripoli known as the Railway Project.

The other two boats made it to Malta and Italy, but required rescuing. The Italian coastguard saved 72 Somalis, including a pregnant woman and 29 children, on January 13. The second boat was rescued two days later by the Maltese armed forces with the support of the US navy and a commercial vessel. In total 68 people were rescued from a drifting dinghy.

"UNHCR welcomes the ongoing efforts of the Italian, Maltese and Libyan authorities to rescue boats in distress in the Mediterranean. We renew our call to all shipmasters in the Mediterranean . . . to remain vigilant and to carry out their duty of rescuing vessels in distress," Wilkes said.»

segunda-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2012

Notícia: (em português) Naufrágio de barco de imigrantes na Líbia tem 15 mortos e 40 desaparecidos

 TRÍPOLI — Quinze imigrantes somalis morreram e outros 40 passageiros estão desaparecidos após o naufrágio nesta semana de um navio perto da cidade líbia de Misrata (oeste), anunciou neste sábado o embaixador da Somália em Trípoli, Abdelghami Wais.

"Quinze corpos foram encontrados na costa de Misrata, entre os quais o de uma criança e os de doze mulheres. Os outros foram considerados desaparecidos", declarou Wais em sua volta de Misrata, onde as vítimas, encontradas na quarta, foram enterradas.

Segundo o embaixador, o navio transportava 55 pessoas, todas elas imigrantes clandestinos que tentavam chegar à Europa.

Na terça-feira, o ministro líbio do Interior, Fawzi Abdelali, indicou que seu país enfrenta "enormes problemas" devido à afluência de milhares de imigrantes clandestinos.

"A Líbia precisa de muitos recursos para controlar (a imigração). A Líbia não será a guarda fronteiriça da Europa. Mesmo que ela quisesse, não poderia", havia dito o ministro.
No início de dezembro, as autoridades líbias anunciaram a interceptação de um barco transportando mais de 400 imigrantes africanos que iam para a Itália.
Muitos africanos se arriscam em embarcações precárias para tentar a perigosa travessia a partir da costa líbia por Malta ou pela ilha italiana de Lampedusa, ao longo da Sicília. Centenas morrem todos os anos.

Fonte:Google Notícias: AFP

Notícia: Boat capsizes off Libya coast: 15 dead | News24

Boat capsizes off Libya coast: 15 dead | News24

as travessias continuam...

«Tripoli - At least 15 Somali migrants were killed and 40 left missing after their boat capsized off the coast of Libya this week, the Somali ambassador to Tripoli said on Saturday.

"Fifteen bodies, including one child and 12 women, were recovered off the coast of Misrata after their boat sank," ambassador Abdelghami Wais told AFP, adding the bodies were found on Wednesday on the shore of the western port city.

The boat had been carrying 55 Somalis, Wais said, and the other passengers were still missing. "I've just returned from Misrata after the burials," the envoy said.»

Ler o resto aqui:

sexta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2012

Novas datas do espectáculo "Lampedusa"

Na Casa de Teatro de Sintra:

17 a 26 de Fevereiro de 2012

Sextas, Sábados e Domingos, às 21h30

Notícia: (EN) Centenas de Tunisinos que rumaram a Lampedusa em 2011 continuam desaparecidos | Migrants at Sea

Hundreds of Tunisians Who Sailed to Lampedusa in 2011 Remain Missing | MIGRANTS AT SEA

Hundreds of Tunisians who departed Tunisia for Lampedusa by sea in early 2011 remain missing. Some of the missing almost certainly died at sea, but family members remain hopeful that others survived the voyage and are now in Italy or elsewhere in Europe. Earlier this week dozens of mothers of the missing demonstrated outside the Tunisian Ministry of Foreign Affairs during a visit by an Italian parliamentary delegation led by Margherita Boniver. The mothers have been holding daily demonstrations calling for assistance from Tunisian and Italian authorities. The two governments have been asked to cross check fingerprint information. Tunisia collects fingerprint information for national identity cards and Italian authorities have collected fingerprint information from arriving migrants. There is speculation that some of the migrants may have used false names upon reaching Italy and as a result are more difficult to locate.

Click here (IT), here (IT), here (FR), and here (FR) for articles.
Click here for Facebook Page dedicated to finding missing Tunisians.
Click here for Storie Migranti Petition for missing Tunisian migrants / Appello per i migranti tunisini disperse / نداء من أجل التونسيين المهاجرين المفقودين / Appel pour les migrants tunisiens disparus.

Fonte: Migrants at Sea