«Um impressionante trabalho de THÉODORE GÉRICAULT cujo tema foi baseado em um acontecimento contemporâneo. Géricault praticamente fez um trabalho investigativo e jornalístico para fazer essa tela. Entrevistou alguns dos sobreviventes.Ouviu depoimentos, examinou corpos,montou em seu estúdio uma réplica da balsa para ter uma ideia mais realista da situação dos náufragos. Géricault ficou tão obcecado com essa história que chegou a se amarrar ao mastro de um pequeno barco durante uma tempestade, para melhor poder retratar o desespero dos sobreviventes.»
terça-feira, 29 de novembro de 2011
domingo, 13 de novembro de 2011
Poesia: Refugees
We challenge the sea
during our best years
facing routes
of millions of other destinies
Landing is a risk.
At Lampedusa's doors
other stories will surface
entangled in the fishermen's nets.
We'll leave emphasis to other exodus.
We are only refugees
protagonists of current events
and clandestines for History
mohamed malih
during our best years
facing routes
of millions of other destinies
Landing is a risk.
At Lampedusa's doors
other stories will surface
entangled in the fishermen's nets.
We'll leave emphasis to other exodus.
We are only refugees
protagonists of current events
and clandestines for History
mohamed malih
Vídeo: Documentário - I Nostri Anni Migliori
«From February to April 2011, 23 thousand Tunisians reached the tiny island of Lampedusa, Italy
The Italian Government called this event an invasion, a barbaric horde, a biblical exodus, a humanitarian tsunami. But nobody spoke about the stories of these young people.
From the refugee camps of Manduria, Mineo and Palazzo San Gervasio (Southern Italy), five of these young people tell us about the constriction of their whole life under the regime of Ben Ali and about the unexpexcted and groundbreaking revolution that made the President flee. Then the possibility to leave, -: for someone a long-lasting dream, for others just a sudden decision.
Those are the best years: the ones of a generation that lived without freedom for too long that now has decided to take it all.»
Um documentário de atteo calore e stefano collizzolli
Sítio oficial: http://ourbestyearsthefilm.wordpress.com
sábado, 12 de novembro de 2011
Notícia: Migrant Boat Rescued by Italian Navy – Migrants to be Transferred to Sicily | MIGRANTS AT SEA
«The Italian Navy vessel Foscari rescued 44 migrants last night from a disabled boat that is believed to have departed from Libya about 4 days ago. Maltese media reported that the Italians wanted to disembark the rescued migrants in Malta due to the earlier decision of Italian authorities to close Lampedusa for search and rescue purposes. However Adnkronos news is reporting that the Foscari is taking the rescued migrants to Augusta, Sicily.
The first satellite phone distress call from the migrant boat was reportedly made when the boat was located within the Libyan SAR. The migrant boat was finally sighted by an Italian fishing boat last night within the Maltese SAR. The Italian Navy vessel Foscari rescued the migrants. A Somali woman and her newborn infant who was born on the migrant boat were flown by helicopter to Lampedusa for medical care. The remaining 42 rescued persons will now apparently be disembarked in Augusta some time tomorrow. 16 August was the last time a migrant boat reached Italy from Libya.
UNHCR issued a statement saying it was “grateful that the Italian navy took this initiative despite the fact that the boat was in Maltese search and rescue waters.”»
Click here for UNHCR statement.
Migrant Boat Rescued by Italian Navy – Migrants to be Transferred to Sicily | MIGRANTS AT SEA
quarta-feira, 9 de novembro de 2011
Artigo e Foto.: PACE - Images of life for ‘boat people’ from North Africa

Fotografias e legendas aqui: Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly
segunda-feira, 7 de novembro de 2011
Artigo: NY Times - After Liberation, Nowhere to Run
IN late March, as Libya’s civil war raged, loyalist soldiers forced Abu Kurke, a 23-year-old political refugee from Ethiopia, onto an inflatable boat with dozens of other African migrants and dispatched them from Tripoli’s port into the unforgiving waters of the Mediterranean.
The journey almost killed Mr. Kurke. After leaking oil, the boat went adrift between Tripoli and the Italian island of Lampedusa. A helicopter spotted it, and soldiers threw down a few bottles of water and gestured that help would come.
Hours became days. Stranded at sea, the boat encountered bad weather. Waves beat against the vessel, knocking two people overboard. Food and water soon ran out, and exhausted passengers began to die of starvation and thirst. The Italian Coast Guard was alerted and reportedly made contact with a warship in the area. Still, no help came.
Breve reportagem a ler aqui: http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/30/opinion/sunday/libyas-forgotten-refugees.html?pagewanted=all
Fotografia: Fleeing Libya by Sea
A bus transfers new arrivals from Lampedusa port to a reception centre, where they will stay for a day or two for identification verification.
Fonte: Flickr UNHCR
ACNUR: Vídeo e Fotografias - Italy: Surviving the High Seas
Mais informações:
UNHCR (ACNUR): http://www.unhcr.org/v-4dd245736
A Nigerian man sits on a bed in Lampedusa’s transit centre. He arrived by boat with his pregnant wife, who was rushed off to hospital in Sicily to give birth. He and his wife will be moved to temporary housing on the mainland while their asylum or protection requests are evaluated.
UNHCR / F.Noy / May 2011
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